My Swordhand is Singing - the play

Set for publication  October 2014 

Here's the cover for the dramatisation of 'My Swordhand is Singing' , which is being published by the Oxford University Press in October 2014.

 It's been a real joy adapting Marcus Sedgwick's powerful and chilling tale of redemption in 17th century Transylvania.  Throughout the adaptation, I've tried to keep as close to the spirit of the original novel  as possible, so it was a great help being able to contact Marcus directly and get  his thoughts on a wide range of questions about the themes and language of his work.

Kirsty Stanfield, who edited the adaptation for the OUP, has also been a terrific support in seeing the project though.

I hope the finished play will offer interesting challenges and rewards to any school drama group  or youth theatre who are brave enough to face the undead and decide to tackle it.

If you have a go at staging the play, I 'd love to hear  how you get on, so please do get in touch with any thoughts or questions you have about it.